Saturday, August 20, 2011

AdNONsense, Key Word Boobs!

I started this blog with boobs and since they're so popular I shall include them always.  Until I change my mind.

Today's boobs are donated by my granddaughter.  She calls me Grammy because I refuse to be called grandma or granny.  I made that clear the day she was born.  I also asked her to draw boobs.  Here they are.


I could write about asking my granddaughter to draw boobs using long, exhausting complete sentences...or maybe one Faulkneresque sentence that goes on and on and on for pages and days in order to make this particular blog searchworthy for pedophiles who want to advertise their kiddy porn sites disguised as lingerie for tots.  Ewwww. 

Obviously I don't know what I'm doing.  AdSense?  Why not?  I don't particularly like the look of random ads on my nice, clean blog page but I was willing to let it fly.  Day one: ads for bras and Asian women.  I get that.  It was relevant.  Apparently my content related to porn sites disguised as bra ads.  Day two:  no ads and a nice e-mail from Google telling me that in order to be adworthy I must use complete sentences and write longer paragraphs. 

With the exception of boobs, less is more.  I think.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to spend the rest of my day doing more than anyone in their right mind wants to read about.  Key words:  Excuuuuuuuuse ME!

KS:  I know how to write long paragraphs and sentences and I will consider it to make the Google Gods happy.


  1. there are only two kinds of boobs.....big ole goodins......and good ole biguns....

  2. i love you man (ksrl to steve) :)

  3. You'll have thousands of readers in no time! Boobies Boobies Boobies. There's a video of Beth Ann saying that over and over - you should ask her if you can post it here! lol

  4. I love it !! Thank you Beth Ann for turnin' me on to this. Sorry I do not use full words why waste the letters ?? Being a Breast Cancer survivor , I'm always makin' fun of the fact I use to look like this............( 0 )( 0 ) ok ok really more like this..(o)(o) after my Lumpectomy I looked like this.. /0)(0) NOW I'M.... --(O) just replaced the boob with a BUT I LOVE WHAT I GOT AND I'M ALIVE !! LISA MEEKS !!

  5. Lisa...that's funny! Good for you. I know another lady with one boob...she never saw a good reason to replace it and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes is what you notice first anyway (ksrl)

  6. Looking for the art gallery from this blog! Which will be a party, of course!
