According to a local deejay, bloggers are the equivalent of fat strippers.
My commute to and from work is about five minutes, so I didn't get to hear everything he had to say. I'm not even sure how bloggers found their way into the talk show topic...which I'm also not sure of. Whatever the topic was it had to do with someone doing something for attention. He then said something to the effect of
if you want that much attention, start a blog.
And then, of course,
bloggers are like fat strippers.
While the comment made me laugh, the other part of my brain just couldn't wrap around exactly what he meant. Not that I was upset or anything. I simply didn't
exactly get the joke.
So if you're a skinny stripper you're not seeking attention?
I guess that makes sense, seeing as how I've always viewed stripping as the equivalent of
cashing in on the men are stupid chips. Strippers are seeking money.
Through my work, I knew a stripper once. She told me she and the other girls would often place bets on who they'd get the most money out of. It was a game. Now that is funny to me. It also goes to show you just how easy it is to take a man's money...just get a boob job, a wax job and pretend you're interested in him.
So if you're a fat stripper you're not seeking money, but attention?
That doesn't make so much sense to me. I know lots of fat people who want money as well as attention. And I know lots of fat people who wouldn't become strippers to get attention only. (I know skinny people who wouldn't either.) I certainly wouldn't take my clothes off in public unless there was money involved. And just because I'm blogging doesn't mean I'm showing you everything.
I am not skinny or fat and I want what everyone wants...everything! I love to write. I love to read. I love to laugh. And I've connected with some wonderful people that I wouldn't have otherwise if not for blogging. I like to think blogging makes the world even smaller. Small enough to relate to anyone, anywhere. And it's fun, you should try it.
I've also decided that from now on I shall blog naked. Why not? You can't see me.
By the way, I don't think men are stupid. I adore men...even the stupid ones. And aren't we all stupid in one way or another?
Lights out. Pay the bartender. Take a cab. I'm done for the night!
Darn, no money. Guess I better skip dessert.
KS: I don't get it.
RL: are getting on my last nerve.